Exciting news....

My free Facebook group for people in Australia aged 40+ is coming soon.

Apply and join the waitlist here:

Reverse Early Alzheimer's Disease

Our brains are capable of a whole lot more than we have given them credit for in the past.

Join the thousands of people who have improved their cognitive capacity - including those with Alzheimer's Disease.

  • Dementia diagnosis?

  • NOT OK with 'nothing you can do'?

  • Willing to work toward regaining your sharp mind?


This transformative program is now available via Telehealth to Australians, delivered by an Australian-trained medical doctor.

ReCode program. The only clinically proven program to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzhe
ReCode program. The only clinically proven program to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzhe

Introducing Dr. Dale Bredesen's

About me

Hello! I am Dr. Sarah Stephens. I am an Australian National University trained MBBS doctor who has seen first hand the devestating effects that Alzheimer's Dementia can have on an individual and their loved ones. I have gained hope that what has been a hopeless diagnosis with inevitable decline can now be managed, and even reversed.

I work with people in Australia to prevent or reverse mild to moderate dementia (with or without a diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia) and their families in a transformational process to prevent and reverse cognitive decline.