A little implant of estradiol (oestrogen) placed under the skin under local anaesthetic to provide hormone over months. It gets replaced every 6-12 months, depending on symptoms.
No need for patches or gels.

Step 1. Book an obligation-free telehealth consult. There is no charge for this appointment.

Nation-wide oestrogen patch shortage ?!?!

Hello!! I'm Sarah, an Australian medical doctor, and I've got your back. Implants provide an alternative delivery method besides patches and gel. Get in touch so we can discuss your options.


Step 2. You order your implant with a prescription (see pharmacies below)

Step 3. Book in to have the implant popped in by me at Why Aesthetics, Kay Gardens, Turner

Oestrogen implants can be ordered online from the following compounding pharmacies.

The Green Dispensary Compounding

Pharmacy 211 Payneham Road

St Peters SA 5069

Stenlake Compounding Chemist

Level 1/76 Spring Street

Bondi Junction NSW 2022

Complementary Compounding Services

1/130 Tamar Street

Ballina NSW 2478